
Hello, my name is Gabriel Schafflützel and I'm from Switzerland. Furthermore, I'm a Software Engineer with three years of experience in the field, and one year of experience as a Language Data Analyst. I welcome you to my personal page. Check the navigation or scroll down to see what it has to offer. And remember;

Instead of fast and furious, be steadfast and curious!


Let me tell you of a little hobby project I did.

is a JQuery project that allows users to visualize the angle of incidence on a plane mirror. The project presents an eye, a generic object, and a tall mirror that can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the screen.
Once the user drops an object, the project displays lines that show the angle of incidence and a phantom version of the generic object behind the mirror where the eye would see the optical illusion. The project also shows light as lines that start from the generic object and go in the direction of the eyes.

Here is a screenshot of it. I added the red labels onto the screenshot to show you all the fascinating geometrical rules that dictate how light bounces off the plane mirror and reaches your eyes.


The IPA is an important project I had to do as part of my education. The abbreviation stands for "Individuelle Praktische Arbeit", which translates to individual practical work. It's similar to a thesis, just that it has to be done on the job and in the context of the work you do there. It's a comprehensively documented project I worked on individually in the span of two Weeks. Feel free to look into it.


Let me give you an idea of my professional experience so far. Below you can see a table showing the timespan for each position I had until now.

Timespan Position
Apr 2024 - now Software Engineer at Intuitive Collaboration AG
Dec 2022 - Feb 2024 · >1 yr Software Engineer at Mphasis
Dec 2021 - Nov 2022 · 1 yr Language Data Analyst at TransPerfect
Aug 2019 - Jul 2021 · 2 yrs Junior Software Engineer at Balzano